A reference guide to Hungarian grammar, designed with English-speakers in mind

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Reason for writing

When I was learning I could not find a complete online guide to the language. There were several half-finished sites (see links page) and so I decided to combine my love of Hungarian and my love of sites.

The reason for writing is that I could not find a perfect book or, moreover, website that will teach me Hungarian from the perspective of an Englishman.

Of course, all the books and sites were written by Hungarians. They are, of course, perfect speakers, but they don't necessarily know how the Englishman's mind works.

A great example of not knowing how a mind works is thus (admittedly this is from a Russian, a language with genders, lesson). The teacher was asking us to determine whether the word for "night" should have the male or female article.

When we, the students, did not know, the teacher said something along the lines of "come on, it's night, it's obviously female!" She did not appreciate that we English have no concept of noun gender.

Therefore I have put this site together to help my intended audience learn this stunningly beautiful language.

The site was written between 2007 and 2008. The parent organisation, DanielClarke.com was founded in 2000.


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