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Hungarian Temporal case: -kor

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Latin Name English role Endings Demonstrative Pronouns Personal Pronouns
Temporal at ... time
  • -kor
Vowel harmony
  • ekkor
  • akkor
  • ezekkor
  • azokkor

At ... time

The noun ending -kor is used to express "at ... time". It may be added to the cardinal number or the word for hour:

  • találkoztunk négykor we met at four (o'clock)
  • találkoztunk négy órákor we met at four o'clock

Of course, -kor can apply to the demonstrative pronouns too, to give:

  • az + -kor = akkor at that time
  • ez + -kor = ekkor at this time

Akkor used as "then"

Akkor (at that time) is used as "then":

  • mikor hazamesz? Akkor látlak. when are you coming home? I'll see you then (at that time). (When home-you-come? At-that-time I-see-you)
  • amikor Budapesten reggel 8 óra van, akkor Londonban még csak 7 óra van. when in Budapest it's 8 in the morning, then in London it's still just 7.
  • amikor Atlantában reggel 7 akkor Sydneyben már 14:00 van. when in New York it's 7 in the morning, then in Sydney it's already 23:00.

-kor used to mean "era"

This ending can also be used to mean an era or an epoch. The most obvious is gyerekkor childhood.

For example: gyerekkoromban, nem voltam kövér in my childhood, I was not fat

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