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Adverbs of number

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Adverbs of number can be formed in a simmer way to the formation of adverbs of manner. These words show or ask about the number of people present or doing something.

The essential featureof this is the -an or -en ending.

Hányan? Hatan.

The word hány how many is suffixed with one of the adverb endings -an to give hányan? how many people?.

Similarly the numerals are suffixed to create words meaning things like "we two," or "the seven of us."

  • ketten (we) two
  • hatan (we) six

Here are some example sentences:

  • hányan mentek a strandra? how many (people) went to the beach?
  • mi négyen mentünk we four went
  • sokan vannak a bárban many people are in the bar
  • csak kevesen vannak itt only a few (people) are here

Numeral adverbs

Here are the basic forms of the numerals. Pay attention to *irregularities*.

  • ketten * two (people)
  • hárman * three (people)
  • négyen four (people)
  • öten five (people)
  • hatan six (people)
  • heten seven (people)
  • nyolcan eight (people)
  • kilencen nine (people)
  • tizen ten (people)
  • tizenegyen eleven (people)
  • tizenhatan sixteen (people)
  • százan one hundred (people)
  • ... etc ...

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Adverbal participle: -va
Adverbs of number

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