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Examples of adjectives

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This page is simply a list of examples of adjectives in all their cases. These are taken from Törkenczy.

Ági olyan lassú, mint én. Ági is as slow as I.

Ági nem olyan gyors, mint te. Ági is not as slow as I.

ez a toll olyan jó, mint az enyém. this pen is as good as mine.

az a ceruza nem olyan jó, mint a tollam. that pencil is not as good as my pen.

Ági olyan gyorsan vezet, mint Daniel. Ági drives as quickly as Daniel.

Ági nem olyan lassan vezet, mint Daniel. Ági does not drive as slowly as Daniel.

Daniel magasabb, mint Ági. Daniel is taller than Ági.

Ági nem magasabb Danielnél. Ági is not taller than Daniel.

ez a toll jobb, mint az enyém. this pen is better than mine.

az a ceruza nem jobb, mint a tollam. that pencil is not as good as my pen.

Ági gyorsabban vezet, mint Daniel. Ági drives more quickly than Daniel.

Ági nem lassabban vezet, mint Daniel. Ági doesn't drive as slowly as Daniel.

Daniel a leglassabb. Daniel is the slowest.

Daniel nem a leglassabb. Daniel is not the slowest.

ez a toll a legjobb. this pen is the best.

Az a toll nem a legjobb. That pen is not the best.

Daniel vezet a leggyorsabban. Daniel drives the most quickly.

nem Ági vezet a leggyorsabban.. It's not Ági who drives the most quickly.

Ági a legszebb a lányok közül. Of the girls, Ági is the most beautiful.

I have highlighted the adverb because it's better to say
Daniel drives more slowly than Mark
than to say
Daniel drives slower than Mark.

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