Note that we can think of the combination of the stem and the potential ending to
be an entirely new verb, the endings of which would be applied independently of
the original stem.
For example: olvas to read
Since this is an –s stem, we would normally have to apply
a special version of the indefinite present conjugation for the second person singlular.
i.e. olvasol rather than olvassz.
When we add –hat- to this, we have a new verb
olvashat may read. This new verb does not end
in –s and so the second person singular indefuinite follows
the regular congugation and not the special –s version:
olvashatsz you may read. Note, it's
not olvashatol.
Similarly, since this ending is a 2-form version, all front-vowel words take the
–het version, and form a new short-front version of the
verb. We then apply short-front ends of other conjugations, even if the stem started
life as a long-front.
See how in the below, ül would give us ülök
but ülhet gives us ülhetek.
For example:
- ül sit
long-front word
- ülök I sit
- ülhet may sit
- ülhetek I may sit
Note: not ülhetök.
The [big seven] irregular verbs (and a few friends) change their original stem slightly
when they are placed into this case. You must simply learn them:
- lesz / lenni become, will be
- van / lenni is
- vesz / venni take, buy
- visz / vinni take, carry
- hisz / hinni believe
- eszik / enni eat
- iszik / inni drink
- megy / menni go
- jön / jönni come