A reference guide to Hungarian grammar, designed with English-speakers in mind

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Hungarian noun cases

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A noun case is a role that a noun plays in a sentence or phrase, such as the subject, direct or indirect object. In English these roles are pretty much the same, but are unmarked (pronouns, however, are marked in English). In Hungarian the word has to be marked according to its role using special endings, very much like in Latin.

This section will detail how to use the many Hungarian noun cases and their endings. Each of the following pages will list the case, its uses, its Latin-style name, its one/two/three for endings (due to vowel harmony), and pronouns placed into the case.

You can use the navigation links on the left to navigate, or see the list below.

Since many of the endings are to do with motion, I have split nine of them into three triads, which are detailed here: the triads of movement.

Creating nouns from other classes of word

For a reference of how to create nouns, see the noun (ság) building page or the noun (ás) building page.

List of Hungarian noun cases

Here is a list of the noun cases featured on this site. I have listed them in the order that I think is the most important for you as a student.  

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Accusative: -t

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