Here are some examples. Cover up the right two columns with your hand and try to work out the times. The right most column is a literal
explanation. (Hungarian text borrowed from [], explanations added by DC.)
két óra múlt öt perccel
two hours passed with five minutes
negyed négy lesz 10 perc múlva |
3:05 |
quarter into the fourth hour will be 10 minutes having passed
fél tíz |
9:30 |
half into in the tenth hour
háromnegyed hat múlt öt perccel |
three quarters into the sixth hour passed with five minutes
két perc múlva nyolc |
two minutes having passed will be 8 o'clock
öt óra negyven perc |
5:40 |
five o'clock forty minutes
fél három múlt 8 perccel |
2:38 |
half into the third hour passed with eight minutes
háromnegyed kilenc lesz hét perc múlva |
three quarters passed in the ninth hour will be seven minutes having passed
negyed egy |
quarter passed in the first hour
dél |
nappal noon
fél hét lesz három perc múlva |
6:27 |
half into the seventh hour it will be, three minutes having passed
öt perc múlva kilenc |
five minutes having passed it will be eight
fél kettő |
half into the first hour
hét óra tíz perc |
7:10 |
seven hours ten minutes
háromnegyed tizenegy múlt öt perccel |
10:50 |
three quarters into the eleventh hour passed with five minutes
tizenkét óra múlt tizenkét perccel |
12:12 |
twelve o'clock passed with twelve minutes
tíz perc múlva fél nyolc |
ten minutes having passed it will be half into the eighth hour
éjfél |
éjszaka half night
negyed nyolc |
7:15 |
quarter into the eighth hour
öt perc múlva egy |
12:55 |
five minutes having passed it will be one o'clock