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Making concrete nouns with -t

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A concrete noun is something more real, less abstract, than an abstract noun. It may not be a physical object like a table or a car, but its sense is adjectrive-based than, say, the abstract nouns 'beauty' or 'a departure'.

See also: how to make abstract nouns with -ság from adjectives, and making nouns with -ás from verbs.

The endings -at, -et may be used to create concrete nouns that usually express the result of an action.

  • mond (to) say
  • mondat (a) sentence
  • él (to) live
  • élet (a) life
  • ír (to) write
  • irat (a) document
  • felel (to) answer
  • felelet (an) answer
  • felad (to) give up
  • feladat (a) task, exercise

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Making nouns (-ság)
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