Latin Name |
English role |
Demonstrative Pronouns |
Personal Pronouns |
Vowel harmony
- ezzel (or evvel)
- azzal (or avval)
- ezekkel
- azokkal
- velünk
- veletek
- velük / Önökkel
This case is use exactly like the English with. A final consonant will geminate; otherwise the val/vel is applied directly yo the trailing vowel.
The most important thing about this case is the gemmination of a final consonant.
This means that you don not just put the -val/-vel ending onto the word:
you must gemminate the final consonant.
The -v- in -val/-vel changes into last consonant of the word.
The -val/-vel comes after other endings, so the last consonant may actually come from another ending.
Note that when the last consonant of a word is a diglyph then the first gylph of the letter doubles.
- busz
utazom busszal I travel with (by) bus.
Take care with gemination because it may mean that you
do not recognise a word as having had a the instrumental case applied.
Learn to recognise -(2 consonants)el
and -(vowel)vel
at the end of words.
- ember person.
- Én lakom két emberrel I live with two people. (see
- vaj butter.
- kenyér vajjal
bread with butter (sentence fragment).
For words ending in a vowel, the -v- remains and the vowel may lengthen
kutya dog.
Én sétálok a kutyával I walk/stroll with the dog.
The -val/-vel comes after other endings, so the last consonant may actually come from another ending.
- barát friend.
- barátom my friend (see
- én beszélek a barátommal
I speak with my
- én lakom emberekkel I live with
people. (see plural)
Note that Hungarians use the instrumental case where we in English would use another preposition such as to
or by. Here are some examples.
utazom villamossal I travel with (by) tram.
beszélek vele
I speak with (to) him.
When two pieces of information used, perhaps with a two-part question or a question and answer,
both parts are put into the instrumental case.
Mivel utazol? Busszal?
How do you travel (with what do you travel)? By (with) bus?
- Kivel beszélsz? Daniellel.
With (to) whom do you speak? With (to) Daniel.
Here are some final points about what might confuse you when you see an example of the instrumental case in Hungarian.
sokkal jobban
much better
Literally: with-much better
kilenc evvel ezelőtt
nine years ago
Literally: nine with-year before this
az apam két centimeterrel magasabb nálam
my father is 2 centimetres taller than I
Literally: two with-centimetre taller
Ágival találkoztam
I met Ági
Literally: I met with Ági