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Hungarian Elative case: -ból -ből

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Latin Name English role Endings Demonstrative Pronouns Personal Pronouns
Elative out of, from out of
  • -ból
  • -ből
Vowel harmony
  • ebből
  • abból
  • ezekből
  • azokból
  • belőlem
  • belőled
  • belőle
  • belőlünk
  • belőletek
  • belőlük

Movement away from: spaces

This is the Movement AWAY FROM the suffixed word movement away from member of the triad, applicable to solids.

Movement towards the suffixed word Tett könyvet a szekrénybe. He put a book into the cupboard.
Static position Aztán a könyv a szekrényben volt. Then the book was in the cupboard.
Movement AWAY FROM the suffixed word Azután, vitt könyvet a szekrényből. After that, he took a book out of the cupboard.

Generally, flat surfaces use this triad: table, street, face, etc.

Most Hungarian cities and Hungary itself use this case:

  • Budapestre megyek. I am going to Budapest.
  • Budapesten vagyok. I am in Budapest.
  • Budapestről jövök. I am coming from Budapest.
  • Magyarországról jöttem tegnap. I came from Hungary yesterday.

Out of

This acts like "out of", "from out of" and "from" in English. For example, taking a match out of the box, a cat from a bag, etc.

Cities and countries

It additionally means "from" when applied to most non-Hungarian cities and countries. We we say, "I am from London" it is translated as:
Londonból jövök I come from London (Literally, I come out of London).

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Allative: -hoz/hez/höz

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